Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why mama refused....

hehehehe..tunggguuuuuu join the trip to Tioman island?

Yes, it is true! Mama refused to join for sake of Adam..Yes, mama really wanted to join a trip but not to Tioman..because....:

Mama dont know who planned the trip but of coz one of papa's friend..They had an idea to planned & suggest the trip but they are not expert enough actually..why? this is the explanation why mama saying that and also the reasons mama refused to join..

1: By Bus
Mama really have no idea how many people will join the trip..maybe 6-10 families which is mama assumed all of them had at least 1 kid..hmm..yang pregnant wife pun ade if not my mistaken..that's ok coz lagi ramai yang pergi lagi enjoy isnt it? but the tak best part is we are going by bus..owh, please la..we have kids, pregnant women..what else?? this is not so suitable for us (yang ade anak age about Adam la)..Mama think about 3-4 families yang ade kid sebaya dengan Adam..Ada some of them had 2 dependent, encik yang planned ni, tak terpikir ke keselesaan mereka yang pergi ni? tak survey abis2 ke? trip dari Rawang ke Tioman ingat setengah jam ke...4-5 hrs at least..

2: The distance
Kalau naik bas, memang la lame and tempat dekat pon jadi jauh..Aduhai..kalau la naik kereta masing2 kan senang..

3: Unsuitable departure time
Dalam planned, bertolak date will be on 30.4 and the time; 11.00pm..crazy,hah? by bus, bertolak malam and perjalanan maybe take about 4-5 hrs..ayooo encik planned, what do you espect, hah? Mama was thinking, camne la Adam nak tidur? tidur malam pulak tu..tidur yang memerlukan keselesaan dan lena..Kalau dah Adam pon tak selesa nak tidur, of coz la mama tak akan dapat tidur yang selesa..usahkan selesa je, entah2 tidur pon tak ade peluang..golongan2 yang bergelar bapak takkan faham..kadang2 mereka bleh tidur selamber even si isteri cum mother ni tak boleh tidur disebabkan anak tak dapat tidur lena..thats why they planned without think all these..

4: Unwell sleep for sure!
Dijangkakan sampai pada pagi 1.5, do you guys think that I'm gonna or can join the activities for the day? hello..last nite I dont get any chance to sleep so of coz the other day I want to cover back (ceh macam dah pergi je)..owh, I know myself very well..when i dont get enaugh sleep, I will feel sleepy..when i feel sleepy I need a pillow if not, you just looking for trouble,, mama dont think the holiday will be great anymore..

5: Alah..mama dah jemu dengan kind of pulau2 ni..
Hmm..kalau takat percutian tu nice because of laut je..takper la Adam..if you really want to, kite blk kg je la..Laut ni, mane2 pon same anak oi..masin gak rasernyer..lagipon, mama dah survey dah..Pulau Tioman tu memang cantik tapi aktiviti terhad hanya di laut je..tak macam Pulau Pangkor and Langkawi..boleh buat aktiviti di darat cam tempat bersejarah, cable car or macam2 lagi..Ha, kat Tioman tu Jet Ski pon diharamkan (info by acu Ura - mama's cousin), ape yg menarik sangat Tioman tu? mmmm....entah ler..

For those who join the trip, may you guys have a great vacation in Tioman..

For my hunny bunny, incik Adam ni..we are going somewhere..vacation still a vacation, k..
Mama just tukar tempat nyer same but of coz kite akan pergi dengan kereta, perjalanan hanya 3 jam saje..most important thing, kite akan bertolak pagi 1.5, all of us will get enough rest to start a trip..then, mama punyer mood akan baaaaiiiikkkkk je..hhehehehe..insyaallah ek..semoga tiada aral yang melintang...amin..

p/s: Adam: aishah, jom la join...


cuci mata said...

'hmm xbole la adam..aishah dah pegi dah melaka..aishah prefer lg pantai2 n bukit2..''kata aishah

saifulyana said...

aloh..xpe la..Adam cari awek lain la ej..Adam