Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who exactly Adam look-a-like?

9 bulan

8 bulan (tembom lagi mase ni)

3 bulan (meniarap)

7 bulan (baru belajar menapak)

Yesterday, mama purposely reviewed your old pictures. I don’t know why. There were lots of memories for each photo. Mama smile & laughs alone. And suddenly, tears came. I wish I could explain why…

From the moment you came to this world until today, mama & papa never stop loving you. In fact, the love become much, much and infinity.

Mama bit disappointed when some people said, Adam’s face was not look-a-like mama at all. From newborn until today, mama never heard once. Some said, like papa; some said, like tok wan (papa’s abah) and the most ‘statement’ hurting me was “ eh, takder rupe korang pun Adam ni”..Mama wish I were a sharpshooter with the A16 machine gun at the time. So that, mama can shoot sharply to her eyes...

Lately, most people said, Adam’s face like a girl face. Bukan sorang, 2 tau..ada yang cakap “La..boy ke ingat girl tadi”
Ada yang confiused “ Ni boy ke girl?”
Mat salleh dalam ferry nak balik Pangkor “She so cute, hah?”…
Owh, don’t worry, mama told her “thank you, but he’s a boy”
Mama has to agree that you look like a girl. Moreover, your hair is getting longer. Bila mama ikat rambut Adam, sebijik macam girl tau. Mama & papa gelak je.

It doesn’t matter who you look-a-like as long as I’m you biological mother. Nobody can deny the facts. Even the women who I really wanted to shoot her eyes ; )


Shu said...

adam looks-a-like her mother, obviously ;)

saifulyana said...

Thanx..but nobody said so :(