Friday, December 25, 2009

Weekend story

Kek besday papa..

Kat Time Square

Papa,Tuah and Adam (di rumah opah alang)

@ Giant KD

Giant KD

Danga Bay,JB

Danga Bay lagi

Radio Festival, Shah Alam

Radio Fest

Genting Indoor theme park

Adam kesejukan..Genting

Tunggu sebelum nak ke car park sbb ujan

Cepat le benti ujan..Adam dah tak sabar nak tidur ni

Sejak kebelakangan ni, mama and papa banyak luangkan masa dengan Adam. This is because, mama will start very busy for the next 4 months..After this, mama akan curi sedikit mase terluang yang mama ada utk study..sepatutnye mase tu untuk Adam but mama have to. It's all about our sacrifies..but mama always love you evento...

Randomly about the few past week..

11/11/09 - Mama and papa amik cuti sbb nak bawak opah and adik2 jalan-jalan..We went to Opah Alang's house in Klang and met Tuah yang cool je..Mase balik, singgah kat Giant K.D'sara. Adam seronok bermain but mama and opah seronok ber shopping..

14/11/09 - Papa's birthday. Small celebration but happening. Opah masak bihun sup and wat puding sgt la sedap.

15.11.09 - Pergi Times Square,KL. Lepak kat theme park and jalan2 around.

20.11.09 - Bertolak ke JB for Makteh's convocation. Congrats,Makteh! Malam smpai hotel. Sempat singgah tol Ayer Keroh nak tgk citer Nur Kasih sambil isi perut. Sgt bes! Smpai hotel terus flat..

21.11.09 - Makteh's convocation day. Lepas abis event, malamnye lepak kt Danga Bay. Memang awsome! Fun fair sampai pagi tau. Adam la paling suke..Roller coaster for kids pon ade. In fact, ade ''Family coaster'' tau. Parents and kids pon bleh naik. Adam memang tak takut langsung! mama proud of you, son! jgn jd cam mama dah ler..

22.11.09 - Lepas jalan2 tgk s'pore, kami bertolak pulang. Opah and family terus balik but mama terus ke Shah Alam nak anta Achu balik hostel. Sebelum tu, sempat layan Radio Fest kat Stadium Shah Alam. Memang gempak la. Adam siap nari2 mase lagu ''through my window'' dendangan Bunkface. That band, really cool!

27.11.09 - It's Raya Haji. Kami tak balik Kg coz papa keje Sabtu n Ahad. So, we went to Genting Highlands. Ingat nak overnite but dah fully booked! Mase pergi macam kat negeri China coz full of Chinese..(ye la org melayu sume blk kg kan..huhu)..Jalan pon berlaga bahu.imagine! We really had fun! Petang kami bertolak balik.

Mama believe Adam really enjoy those moment. After this, mama will try my best to spend my short time with my dearest son..

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